Return Policy

Satisfaction Guaranteed!

Every item we sell is backed by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with your order when it arrives, we’ll refund your money (excluding the shipping cost) within 30 days of purchase.

Returns Information

All items require a Return Authorization Number, which can be provided by contacting our Customer Service department. To be eligible for return, items cannot be installed and must be in new condition, the item must be complete of all its components, and it must be in the original packaging. Damage caused by improper installation or abuse is not covered.

RMA number is valid for 15 days from date of issuance. Your return package must be shipped to our facility by the expiration date listed.

Some returns are subject to a restocking fee for non-warranty or A Quality Parts Co. errors that are returned over 30- days from purchase date. Items that are discontinued or no longer available are not eligible for return. Items returned without an RMA Number are subject to refusal or restocking fee. Freight collects or COD returns will be refused.

Please allow up to 30 days for electrical & electronic items to be credited or exchanged. If an electric or electronic product is tested and deemed to not be defective, the part may be returned to the customer with no credit given.

How To Return An Item

A Quality Parts Co. is not liable for additional labor expenses that occur as the result of an incorrect or defective part.

Please ship the item back to the address provided by the Customer Service Representative. Please use a shipping service that can be tracked such as registered USPS, Fedex or UPS. We cannot guarantee refunds for items sent via non-trackable means. We are unable to accept COD or freight-collect shipments.

Once we have received and inspected your item, your refund will be processed for all eligible returned items. Returned items must not have been installed and should be in their original packaging with all kit components. We strive to process all returns within 5 business days; however, during exceptionally busy periods, this timeframe may increase slightly. Please allow for up to 14 business days for your return to be processed, and up to 30 days for electrical and electronic items.